When I last tried it, there were bugs, and the system was very much a work in progress. Also, the documentation was out of sync and incomplete. Over the years, I've pinged Giovanni on occasion to see if this library has made any headway, but he's been busy with “real work” (as am I).
Is there an update about Boost.Coroutine? Does the author work on it? This might be a helpful thing if it will be done.
I just emailed the author today to check what his status is. His response suggests that he's not planning on continuing work on it anytime soon and would be happy to see the project carried forward by others: “Hi Yang, I've changed work and I have less time than before :). If you or someone else wants to work on it, feel free to do it of course! I would be glad if it the library were to be completed!”
It’s pretty old by now: http://www.crystalclearsoftware.com/soc/coroutine/ https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/wiki/LibrariesUnderConstruction#Boost.Coroutines