
  • Hello Yang, 
    It is good to come by your blog (I am surprised I haven’t came across it earlier)

    I’d like to invite you to add your blog to R-bloggers through:
    (You’ll need to create an R category though…)


  • When did you leave MIT? Looking forward to learning more about slice-data.com

  • Schoenig

    Please I need to find out why the Scatterplot example you wrote works for you and not for me.  I can’t get the web client to get any x,y pairs.  They just don’t go.  Is there a tornado web server I’m supposed to be running?  the SimpleHTTPServer 8888 doesn’t help on either example.  I’m thinking the API may have changed since you wrote your example.  PLEASE I have 2 days left to do this and it’s critical!  It will fit into my master project very well and I am giving you the credit!  Thanks, Greg

  • Hey buddy,

    heads up on my recent blog post,


    given you some love in the list, great work! 🙂

    – Alex