1 Identities, approximations, limits

2 General

3 Information Theory

4 Finance

5 Signal Processing

6 Probability

6.1 Distributions

6.2 Conjugate prior relationships

6.3 General definitions and properties

7 Algorithms

7.1 LSH

8 Statistics

8.1 Basics

8.2 Fisherian tests TODO

8.3 Neymann-Pearson tests

8.4 Hypothesis testing

8.5 Unsorted

8.6 Smoothing

8.7 Estimation

8.8 Exponential smoothing for time series analysis

8.9 Applied

8.10 Time series

9 Time Series

9.1 Processes

9.2 Autocorrelation

9.3 Models

10 Linear Algebra

10.1 Matrices

10.2 Decomposition

10.3 HITS

10.4 PageRank

11 Optimization

11.1 Convex optimization

11.2 Linear programming

11.3 Quadratic programming

12 Machine Learning

12.1 Information criteria

12.2 Bayesian learning

12.3 Complete data

12.4 Incomplete data: EM algo

12.5 Kernel models

12.6 Classification

12.7 Regression

12.8 Support vector regression (SVR)

12.9 Linear regression

12.10 Multi-layer feed-forward neural networks

12.11 Local regression

12.12 Regularization

12.13 GLM

12.14 PCA

12.15 SVD

12.16 Matrix factorization

12.17 Decision trees

12.18 Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC)

12.19 Unsupervised learning

12.20 Infinite Mixture Models with Nonparametric Bayes and the Dirichlet Process

13 Natural language processing (NLP)

13.1 Naive Bayes

14 Problems