• Dan

    Wow! This is going right over my head. I was trying to Google some of the terms so I could follow along as I was curious at how such at “attack” formulates in the mind of an “attacker”… Would you consider at the end of such post of posting a ‘summary’ for someone like me who is a writer and interested in the story but even with Google’s enormous powers was unable to follow in any intimate way.

    This was a cool sight to stumble on and I was sure you could do a “for dummies” summary with only a paragraph or two. Plus, without endangering any subjects, you could also give general easy to understand scenarios where this could be used by “hackers” for nefarious ends. My curiosity is, again, perked!

    Thanks for posting. I’m going to add you as an RSS feed. Could you answer on here or email me if you would agree to do some kind of “for dummies” on the ends of posts?



  • Dan

    Wow! This is going right over my head. I was trying to Google some of the terms so I could follow along as I was curious at how such at “attack” formulates in the mind of an “attacker”… Would you consider at the end of such post of posting a ‘summary’ for someone like me who is a writer and interested in the story but even with Google’s enormous powers was unable to follow in any intimate way.

    This was a cool sight to stumble on and I was sure you could do a “for dummies” summary with only a paragraph or two. Plus, without endangering any subjects, you could also give general easy to understand scenarios where this could be used by “hackers” for nefarious ends. My curiosity is, again, perked!

    Thanks for posting. I’m going to add you as an RSS feed. Could you answer on here or email me if you would agree to do some kind of “for dummies” on the ends of posts?



  • I added a summary – hope that helps!

  • I added a summary – hope that helps!

  • Seems like the same procedure to login to any private system.

  • Yikes, this is actually pretty scary.

  • erikapurnamasari
  • yusran