• Hey it is really a very nice and interesting news for me to go at least an average at home and than have to go for more practise and think for more good score. Thanks.

  • Hey it is really a very nice and interesting news for me to go at least an average at home and than have to go for more practise and think for more good score. Thanks.

  • AWfail3

    agree totally and that what are using for the computer based AW section !
    one person + one e-rater

    if (scores are near)
    {call another person;}

  • I would imagine after a while students will figure out how to game the e rater. This is exactly what happens to the CAT based test where students has figured out how to crack the system, and ETS is rolling out a new version of GRE in August 2011. Students who want to go to graduate school in the next 2-3 years should probably take the GRE as soon as possible because the new one is supposed to be harder

  • Facebook User

    If there are any students who cannot afford a GRE prep
    course, we have a FREE GRE video course (with over 500 videos) that covers
    everything you need to know on test day: http://www.greenlighttestprep.com/